SOLD OUT - Diversity in STEM... a BIG Skills Day
This skills Day is now sold out and registration is closed.
Royal Institution, London 1st June 2018
What is this Skills Day about?
Diversity can mean lots of different things to different people including representation, accessibility and inclusion. It is increasingly being talked about within science, and science communication.
During this day, we will discuss a few different aspects of diversity within science communication including:
- How we can make activities and events more accessible to
- How we can monitor and evaluate diversity in our projects
- How we can feel more comfortable talking about diversity in different settings
Who is the day for?
This Skills Day aims to better equip everyone to think about diversity within science communication. It will be particularly relevant to those working in or with organisations such as universities, museums and festivals but anyone wanted to improve their approach to diversity will benefit.
11-11.30 Arrive/coffee
13.00-13.45 Lunch
15.15-15.30 Break
17.00 Close
Speakers include:
Hana Ayoob is a freelance creative producer of science events and artist. She is a co-founder of Minorities in STEM, a network to support and showcase BAME individuals working and studying in STEM.
Sarah Cosgriff is a Gender Balance Officer for the Institute of Physics and a freelance science communicator. Before her current role, she worked at The Prince's Trust helping embed STEM into youth work and ran the STEMNET programmes (now STEM Learning) in Birmingham and Solihull. She has a keen interest in engaging underrepresented audiences in STEM and understanding the barriers they face.
Dr Nic Bonne is a blind astrophysicist based at the University of Portsmouth and project lead for The Tactile Universe - a public engagement project to open up astrophysics to people with vision impairments.
Lewis Hou is a science educator and Scotland ambassador for the action research for cultural democracy supporting “Everyone an Artist, Everyone a Scientist” with Fun Palaces. Embedded as “scientist-in-residence” in Voluntary Arts Scotland, he is currently interested in the parallel challenges and research into participation, inclusion and empowerment in arts, heritage and culture, and what we can learn (and share) in science education and communication sectors.
Joby Razzell Hollis is a NASA postdoctoral fellow working on the Mars 2020 rover mission, who uses his spare time to advocate for LGBT+ diversity and inclusivity in science as a trustee of the charity Pride in STEM and organiser of the LGBT+ Physics group.
Graphic Science is a communications and education consultancy specialising in taking STEM to a variety of audiences. They will bring their knowledge of evaluation and stimulate thoughts and ideas on issues such as meaningful data collection - what is it for, intrusiveness and what do we need to know?
BIG members: £45
Login as a member first to be able to register for the member rate. To login as a member, use the email address you used to join BIG. If you can't remember what this is, please email admin@big.uk.com.
Non-members: you first need to join BIG costing £30 for the year and then come back and register for the £45 member rate.